

 > 研究会の詳細はこちら


テーマ:Women as Travellers: Opportunities, Challenges and Practices
報告者:Dr Elaine Yang, Department of Tourism, Griffith University, Australia

 Dr Elaine C. L. Yang is a Lecturer in the Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Management, Griffith University. Her Phd explored the risk perception of Asian solo female travellers. Her research interests are empowering women in tourism, gender-based violence, Asian tourism, and social impact of tourism. Some of the projects that she is currently working on include providing digital competency training to women entrepreneurs in developing country, investigating gender-based violence in tourism in the online space (e.g., #metoo), and exploring the impact of tourism on the quality of life of host-children in Cambodia. Her works have been published in Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research and Journal of Sustainable Tourism. Elaine is an editorial board member of Tourism Management Perspectives and Annals of Leisure Research. She has been identified as an Emerging Tourism Scholar by e-Review of Tourism Research. She is also a proud volunteer administrator of Women Academics in Tourism (WAiT).
 In this seminar, Dr Yang will be sharing some insights from her recent research projects. A rising interest of women in independent travel is observed in many parts of the world. The statistics by TripAdvisor indicate that on average, 74% of women across the globe have travelled alone or are planning to undertake a solo holiday. While solo travel is regarded as a means to demonstrate women’s economic independence and empowerment, this form of independent travel may expose women to gender-based violence when navigating alone in gendered and sexualised tourism space. This presentation brings together insights from three research projects related to women as travellers, covering perspectives from Asian women, Australian women and women in general, and both solo and non-solo female travellers. The presentation will provide an overview of the female travel market, and identify the opportunities and challenges faced by female travellers as informed by the research findings, which were drawn from various forms of data, including photo-elicitation interviews, surveys, and social media (#MeToo). Implications for future research and the tourism industry in relation to mobilising meaningful changes to create a safe and welcoming space for women travellers will be discussed. The presentation will be concluded by identifying common research interests and collaboration opportunities with JMA in this area.


場所:一橋大学 千代田キャンパス 大講義室 >MAP
   〒101-8439 東京都千代田区一ツ橋2-1-2






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